Best Fan Service Anime of All Time

Best Fan Service Anime of All Time – Anime Fan Service

Fan service anime – Fan service is a type of service that fictional anime series do to make the audience happy. It’s all about catering to the audience and providing them with a satisfying experience. A common characteristic of anime fan service is the inclusion of sexual or otherwise pleasurable content. The majority of the […]

Top 10 Best Anime that are set in Apocalypse

Anime that are set in Apocalypse – Apocalyptic Anime List

The Best Anime that are set in Apocalypse: There’s always been dramatic potential at the end of the world. The apocalypse has been a part of the cultural consciousness for thousands of years, whether it be through the predictions of religious extremists or the stories of cautionary novelists. Given this, it’s not surprising that science […]

Best zombie anime you should watch right now

Best Zombie Anime You Should Watch Right Now

There are as many zombie anime episodes and films as there are live-action ones, but Japanese animation will eventually catch up. While they wait for the next episode or season of their preferred zombie anime, fans can watch one of roughly 20 zombie anime series. Here is a list of Top 10 Best zombie anime […]